Explore the transformative influence of the divine feminine through JOJO ABOT’s multimedia experience at L.A. Louver.

JOJO ABOT is a multidisciplinary artist and healer who uses a fusion between new and traditional technology to create multisensory healing experiences. The Ghanaian artist, who is an Ewe woman of West Africa, combines her heritage with her first-hand experiences from a nomadic lifestyle that has taken her to Copenhagen and the United States as well as South Africa, Kenya, and more. L.A. Louver presents a comprehensive exhibition titled “A GOD OF HER OWNER’S MAKING” that highlights JOJO ABOT’s diverse practice, which has evolved from a congruent visual aesthetic to music, dance, and fashion design. The exhibit is conceived as a multi-media experience of the artist’s multifaceted oeuvre.

The Artist as a Medium

JOJO ABOT, who recognizes the limitations of a particular medium, harnesses her inner energy to create a cohesive artistic statement in sculpture, textiles, film, sound, and painting. She reconfigures the paradigm of an artist as a medium. This change should not be mistaken for a simple continuation of performance art. In the case of JOJO ABOT’s work, her body is both a medium and a spiritual expression. In a world where masculinity is dominant and there’s resistance to embracing harmony, the divine feminine emerges, increasing her power and presence, until she becomes a force that permeates, vibrates, and awakens all living beings.

A GOD of her own Making

JOJO ABOT, channeling the sacred feminine power, transforms the exhibit into a transformative ceremony, activated through three events that enhance the ceremonial quality imbued on the objects themselves. As manifestations of transcendent energy; tapestries, textiles, and sculptures evoke ancient methods of sewing and weaving, while audio-visuals document sacred moments.

These artworks, imbued in a meditative nature, align with JOJO ABOT’s overarching ethos, POWER TO GOD WITHIN. This concept is based on the idea of embracing yourself and achieving unlimited acceptance. The title of the exhibition is taken from the immersive opera by the artist, A GOD of Her Own Making, which JOJO ABOT performs for the show.

JOJO ABOT at L.A. Louver

JOJO ABOT is guiding and conducting three activations during the show. Two of these are already planned for the exhibition’s opening and closing ceremonies. JOJO ABOT introduces us to her world on Wednesday, January 17, with a ritualistic celebration. On March 1, the artist will present her immersive spatial opera in conjunction with Frieze Week Los Angeles, 2024. During the show, L.A. Louver is hosting an artist talk titled “Weaving Sacred Futures” and selling a clothing collection designed by JOJO ABOT. The L.A. Louver will host the exhibition A GOD of Her Own Making from January 17th to March 3rd, 2024.

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